These might be useful for you….


I had collected some additional info on a variety of topics in each chapter.This is from various websites online and books too.I’ll try to name as many in the “References” section.

So In no particular order, I will give you some info for each Chapter in every post (You could note these by the side of your RG or Giles/write in a POST-IT notes and affix them)

Raynaud’s phenomenon:Fingers turn white,blue and then red.Due to abnormal vasomotor response of blood vessels to cold or emotional stress.Hyperactive sympathetic system leads to tissue hypoxia.Two types:

1)Idiopathic Raynaud’s or Raynaud’s Disease

2)Secondary Raynaud’s-seen in Scleroderma,SLE,RA,Sjogren’s syndrome,Atherosclerosis,Buerger’s Disease etc

Cyanosis:Bluish Discoloration of Skin & Mucous Membranes.Indicated by the presence of atleast 5g/dL of  reduced(deoxygenated) Hb in arterial blood.Two types namely,

a)Central:Warm Extremities,Full Bounding Pulse,Seen in Mucous Membrane & Skin(seen in Tongue & Lips).Develops when arterial O2 saturation falls or is <85%

eg:Cerebral Anoxia,Pulmonary Embolism,Myocardial Infarction,COPD,High Altitude & Hypothermia etc..

b)Peripheral Cyanosis:Thready Pulse,Cold Extremities.Develops due to slowing of blood flow.Mucous membrane of oral cavity may be spared usually.There is discoloration of the extremity most intense in nailbeds but may resolve with warming of the extremity.

eg:Raynaud’s phenomenon,DVT, Circulatory Shock,Thrombophlebitis,Heart Failure,Cold exposure etc..

Hematocrit:It is the percentage of RBC compared to the total blood volume.Any > or < in plasma volume affects it.It can be used to screen Anemia,Cancers,Blood loss,Kidney disease and B12 deficiency etc..A patient after severe burns loses large amount of plasma from damaged capillaries.As a result the hematocrit values are raised.With fluid replacement they would come down.

Note:Hematocrit values over 60% may cause spontaneous blood clotting.


Order of donning Personal Protective Equipment(PPE):


2)Mask or Respirator

3)Goggles or Face shield


Order of Removing PPE:Except for respirator remove PPE at doorway.Remove respirator after leaving patient’s room and closing door


2)Goggles or Face shield


4)Mask or Respirator

Pressure Garments work by:

a)Thinning the dermis

b)Altering the biochemical structure of scar

c)Reducing the blood flow to the area

d)Reorganizing the collagen

e)Reducing the tissue water content

They are indicated if wound healing takes >2weeks.


1)– is your online source for credible health information and is the official Web site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


3)PHYSICAL REHABILITATION by Sullivan and Schmitz(Fourth/Fifth Edition)