Statistics & Research-Part 2


Hope you found my previous post  on Statistics helpful.Let’s continue to learn more about it…..


The measures of variability complement the measures of central tendency.They describe the extent of  distribution or spread in a set of data.

RANGE:It is the difference between the highest and lowest score in a set of data.

For example consider the data set: 65,80,40,39,22,10

Range for this would be 80(highest)-10(lowest)=70

INTER-QUARTILE RANGE(IQR):It also measures variability based on dividing  a set of data into quartiles(four equal parts).

It is the difference between the upper quartile(Q1) and lower quartile(Q3) in a data set.

For example consider this:


Here the median or middle value would be 8 leaving 4 values above and below.

This leaves 2,4,6,7 in the upper set.Q1 would be the median of this set i.e 4+6/2


Similarly Q3 in the lower set 9,10,12,14 would be 10+12/2



VARIANCE: It is the average of squared differences from the mean.This will help you in computing the standard deviation of a data set.

Variance of a population is denoted by σ² whereas the variance of a sample is denoted by s².

To calculate both types of variance,do the following:

1)Calculate the Mean in the data set

2)calculate the squared difference for each number i.e (number-mean)²

3)Then calculate the average of these squared differences.

Variance for a population=>σ² =Σ(x-m)²/N  where x=number,m=mean and N=no of  scores

Variance for a sample=>=Σ(x-m)²/N-1 where x=number,m=mean and N=no of scores

Let’s take an example:5,10,15,20,25,30,35

The Mean(m)=5+10+15+20+25+30+35/7=>140/7=>20

The squared difference for each number would be (5-20)²,(10-20)²,(15-20)²,(20-20)²,(25-20)²,(30-20)²,(35-20)²

The variance for a population=>σ² =Σ(x-m)²/N


Similarly you can calculate the variance of a sample too.

STANDARD DEVIATION:It is the square root of variance (of a sample/population)

It is denoted by σ.

σ=√σ² or √s²

NORMAL DISTRIBUTION:It is a bell shaped curve indicating the distribution of curves.It is symmetrical with scores concentrated in the middle than in the end.It is defined by two parameters namely Mean and Standard Deviation.

The empirical rule states that:

1)almost all of the values will be within 3(+/-3) standard deviations(SD) of the mean

2)68% will be within +/-1 SD of the mean,99% within +/-2SD and 1% within +/-3 SD of the mean

Distributions can be asymmetrical/skewed to left or right as mentioned in previous post.

You can calculate normal distribution by the formula:

z=X-µ where X=number in the data set ,µ=mean and σ is the SD.


T-DISTRIBUTION:It is used to evaluate the Confidence Intervals for samples less than 30(n).It is wider and flatter at the tails than normal distribution.

DEGREES OF FREEDOM(DF):It is used to measure how accurately the sample used in the research represents the entire population.The greater the degree of freedom, the greater is the possibility that  the entire population has been sampled accurately.

DF=N-1 where N is the size of sample

NULL HYPOTHESIS(Hο):It states that no relationship exists between dependent and independent variables.Any such relationship is purely by chance or too small to be considered equivalent to zero.

ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS(H1):It states that there is a true difference between variables.Any observed difference is too large to be considered as chance.

Type I ERROR(False Positive):It happens when a test rejects a true null hypothesis.We conclude that there exists a true difference when in reality, it is by chance.It is denoted by α.It is considered more serious than Type II error.

Type II ERROR(False Negative):It happens when false null hypothesis is accepted .We conclude that relationship between variables is by chance when it is infact a true difference.It is denoted by β.

ALPHA LEVEL(α):It is the probability of Type I error occurring in an experiment.It is an indication of whether an event occurred by c by sampling error or for real.It corresponds to 95% confidence interval or a P value of 0.05.It means there’s a 5% chance you might be wrong about your experiment result if you reject the null hypothesis

p-value:The probability of finding an effect as big as the one( that’s been observed during the experiment) when the null hypothesis is true.If the value of α is smaller than p then Hο will not be rejected.But if α is larger than p then Hο is rejected.

Confidence Interval(CI):It provides a range of scores with specific boundaries.The wider interval we propose, the more confident we’ll be that the true population mean will fall within it.This is expressed as a percentage.

Hopefully the  info I’ve given so far helps you all in understanding Statistics easy!!!!

Have a good weekend.


1)Normal Distribution

2)Pierce, Rod. “Standard Deviation and Variance” Math Is Fun. Ed. Rod Pierce. 10 Jul 2011. 9 Sep 2011 <;

3)”Foundations of Clinical Research:Applications to Practice” by Portney & Watkins.

Statistics and Research-as simple as can be….

Hi Everyone,

I’ve not posted for more than 2 weeks…I understand if I need to keep my blog active I need to post regularly atleast once a week :D.

But I strongly feel I should post only If I have something valuable to share with you all……

I had already written about research in my previous posts and published mynotes.

But it is not an easy unit to understand for most of us.

In the past weeks,few of you had some doubts regarding statistics & research.I thought why not explain the stuff in a simple language.

So here we go…


a)NOMINAL  SCALE: The lowest level of measurement in statistics.The data is classified into groups on the basis of gender,names etc.

You can count the number of males/females or names but cannot measure the gender or names.Other examples:blood type,hand preference etc…

Nominal data can be compared with Chi-Square test and the central tendency can be measured with Mode..

b)ORDINAL SCALE:This data can be ranked and ordered.It still can’t be measured.The subjects/objects are classified based on the degree to which they possess the characteristic. eg:Manual Muscle Testing,Sensation,Pain scales.Surveys often create ordinal scales to find out people’s preferences say on a scale of 1-5 or most preferred-least preferred.

There is no true “zero point” for this data.It is chosen arbitrarily.Ordinal data can be correlated with Spearman’s Rank order or Kendall’s tau rank correlation.Their central tendency can be measured with Median or Mode.

c)INTERVAL SCALE:The data is classified based on predetermined equal intervals.Scores can be added or subtracted but not multiplied/divided.Eg:(We could say the difference between 20-30* and 90-100* is 10* but there may be a difference in heat)Temperature scales,Calendars,IQ charts.

There is no “true zero point” for this data too.The correlation for this data can be measured with Pearson’s product moment coefficient,Multiple Regression  etc., and central tendency with Mean,Median or Mode.

d)RATIO SCALE:The most precise/highest level of measurement wherein you can count and measure data with “true zero point”.The data has equal intervals.Ratio scales are used to gather quantitative info like surveys asking respondents for age,income etc.So an 80 year old person is going to be twice as old as 40 year,Weight,Range of Motion Scales,Annual Income etc..

The central tendency can be expressed for ratio data with Mean,Median or Mode

CENTRAL TENDENCY:This is the way in which you would summarize the above 4 types of data,yet still retain the necessary info.

There are three types namely,

1)MODE:The most frequently occurring value in a set of data.

For example let’s take a set of numbers:94,45,56,68,79,30,40,38,45

In this 45 is the mode,the most frequently occurring number.

2)MEDIAN:The middle score in a set of data

Take the above example and re-arrange in ascending order: 30,38,40,45,45,56,68,79,94

The median would be 45 leaving 4 values above and below.

In case of even number of data say:30,38,40,45,45,56then median would be midway between 40 & 45 i.e 40+45 divided by 2.

So it would be 85/2= 42.5

3)MEAN:The arithmetic average of all the data.

The mean(M) is the sum of a set of scores(X) divided by the number of scores(n).


For example take a set of numbers:10,20,30,40,50

Here X=10+20+30+40+50=150 and n=5

Then M=150/5= 30

SKEWNESS:Asymmetry in the distribution of values is called skewness.In a normal distribution the mean,median and mode all coincide.But in a skewed distribution it is not so.

In a positively skewed distribution(skewed to the right),the mean>mode and mode>mean in negatively skewed(skewed to the left) distribution

That’s it for now.Hope to add more info on Statistics in my next post.

Additional Info on Neuromuscular Chapter

Hi Everyone,

I’ve not been able to post for a while.It’s just that there was a lot of stuff to take care of….sorry about that.

I would like to give some additional info on the NeuroMuscular PT chapter & Exercise Therapy chapter.

As mentioned in other posts,I got it from books & websites.


THALAMUS:It censors & modulates neural activity into & out of cerebral cortex.3rd ventricle lies between both thalami.


PONS:It has two centers which modify the respiratory rhythm & rate established by medullary centers.They are,

a)Pneumotaxic Center(PC) in upper pons inhibits inspiration & overinflation of lungs.It limits the bursts of action potentials in the phrenic nerve decreasing tidal volume & regulating the resp.rate.Absence of PC results in increase of depth of respiration & decrease in respiratory rate(apneustic breathing)

b)Apneustic Center in lower pons which activates & prolongs inspiration by stimulating dorsal respiratory center in medulla.It controls the intensity of breathing & provides inspiratory drive unless inhibited by pneumotaxic center.

MEDULLA OBLONGATA:Contains two neuron groups namely Dorsal Respiratory Group(DRG) & Ventral Respiratory Group(VRG)

DRG is stimulated via apneustic center.It’s responsible for generation of inspiration & the rhythm .When it stops firing(inspiratory muscles relax) expiration occurs.

VRG contains both inspiratory & expiratory neurons.It is active mainly when more ventilatory effort is required (ex:exercise).

Ascending Tracts:

Spino-olivary Tracts :Neurons from SpinalCord carry proprioceptive information from muscles & tendons and cutaneous impulses to the olivary nucleus.Contributes to movement coordination(balance).

Spino-Thalamic Tracts: Fibers of Spinothalamic tract give collaterals to RAS(Reticular Activating System).


Barthel Index:This test measures the degree of assistance reqd by an individual on 10 items of mobility & self-care ADL.Levels of measurement are limited to Complete Independence(10)/Needing Assistance(5).Max.score is 100.

Functional Indepencence Measure:It is measures the severity of disability for an inpatient rehab setting.It rates 18 ADL on a 7 point scale ranging from complete independence(7) to total dependence(1).The max total score is 126.

EMG(Electromyography):Insertional activity is the spontaneous burst of potentials caused by insertion of electrode into the muscle.It’s also seen while repositioning electrodes.It’s < in fibrotic muscles but > in denervated muscles/inflammation.When muscle is at rest,there should be electrical silence.

Fibrillation potential is seen at rest.It’s not visible through skin.Spontaneous depolarization of a single muscle fiber causes it.

Fasciculations are visible through the skin.They are spontaneous potentials seen with irritation or degeneration of Antr.Horn Cell,Nerve root compression etc.There’s asynchronous contraction of the whole motor unit.They could also be seen in normal individuals.


I also wanted to talk to you about Swiss Ball exercises.The Swiss ball is a good piece of fitness equipment which can used to strengthen various muscle groups.The firmer the ball,the harder it is for the patient to exercise.It also promotes balance training while strengthening muscles.

Rolling the ball antrly=>Back Extensors Contract & Abdominals Stretch

Rolling the ball postrly=>Back Extensors Stretch & Abdominals Contract

Cardiovascular Endurance Training:HR max formula is not suitable for all ages.Elderly Sedentary patients have twice the rate of VO2max decline

Plyometric training: Isotonic exs that combine speed,strength & func.activities.Appropriate for later phases of rehab in young adults/athletes.The eccentric contraction (loads & stretches the muscle) is followed by concentric contraction(shortens the muscle).Ex:Jumping off and on a platform.Jumping off is eccentric and Jumping on is concentric.This activity stimulates proprioceptors and improves the Neuro.Muscular System.

Prior to plyomteric training,patient should’ve adequate strength and endurance.These exs should be preceded by proper warm-up.They should be performed as quickly as possible.

That’s all I have for this post.

See you all soon!!!



2)PHYSICAL REHABILITATION by Sullivan and Schmitz(Fourth/Fifth Edition)

3)”Joint Structure and Function” by Cynthia Norkin

Additional Info on Musculoskeletal Chapter

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all are studying ,doing practice tests and some more…..

Similar to my previous post,I’m going to give you additional points/info for the various chapters.I’ve divided the chapter into four units as follows:

Unit 1-Arthritic Conditions:

Osteoarthritis(OA/DJD):Severe in older women,subchondral bone cysts are formed in this arthritis.There’s usually no ankylosis.Jt line tenderness and crepitus is +ve.The synovium  is thickened and inflamed.Heberden’s nodes found.ESR is normal.

Ankylosing Spondylitis:occurs in males between ages 20-40 more often.HLA B-27 antigen found in many patients.Squaring of vertebral bodies and Ossification of ligaments gives the “bamboo” spine appearance.Bones become brittle and prone to #(Chalk stick fracture).Restrictive Lung Disease can occur in late stages due to costovertebral and costosternal joint involvement.

Chest expansion,Deep breathing,Posture correction,Spinal Extension exercises are taught.Activities like TaiChi,Yoga and Swimming are encouraged.

Gout:More common in males aged between40-60 .Tophi (collection of uric acid crystals) found in helix of ear,fingers,toes and olecranon bursa in untreated patients.Onset usually in big toe.

Dietary and Lifestyle modification very helpful.Limit consumption of alcohol,meat & seafood.Low fat diet helpful.

Unit 2-Upper Limb conditions:


Glenohumeral(GH) Dislocations:Antr-Infr type common.Axillary nerve may be injured.The dislocated humeral head lies below coracoid/below clavicle.Emphasis on Rotator cuff Strengthening.In Posterior dislocation head may be subacromial or subspinous.External rotation and supination may be restricted.

Acromio clavicular(AC) Joint Dislocation:

Grade 1-AC jt sprain without ligament (ligt) tear

Grade 2-AC ligt torn CC(coraco-clavicular) ligt intact

Grade 3-Both AC & CC ligts torn,>5mm AC jt elevation,clavicle elevated,deltoid & trapezius detached

Grade 4-Both AC & CC ligts torn,joint capsule torn,clavicle displaced into trapezius

Subcoracoid Bursitis:precedes rotator cuff tear usually.limits ext.rot.painful arc of abduction.seen in baseball pitchers.

Internal Impingement:Postr jt capsule tight.Pain in late cocking & early acceleration of baseball pitching.There’s also increased postr.deltoid activity to compensate for weak rotator cuff.


In elbow dislocation relationship between the epicondyles & olecranon is maintained whereas in Supracondylar # it is not maintained.Ulna moves dorsally,distally in pronation and proximally,ventrally in supination.Inelastic Cuff worn around proximal forearm (counterforce bracing) helpful in TENNIS ELBOW


Colles’ #:Dinner fork deformity.wrist immobilized in palmar flexion,ulnar deviation & forearm pronation in Below-Elbow(BE) slab.

Smith’s #:Wrist immobilized in 30 degree dorsiflexion & forearm supination in Above-Elbow(AE)

Unit 3-Lower Limb Conditions:

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis(SCFE):If SCFE is stable it would allow patient to ambulate with or without crutches.If it’s unstable,patient may not ambulate and will most often have complications such as OA and AVN(Avascular Necrosis) of the hip.Following surgical fixation of SCFE,patient is given crutches with protected weight bearing for 6-8 weeks.PT is given for strengthening,proprioception,balance & endurance.

Ortolani and Piston Tests used in CDH(Congen.Disloc.Hip)

Femoral Neck Anteversion & External tibial torsion >Q angle and Femoral Retroversion & Internal tibial torsion < Q angle.

Menisci transmit 50% compressive force during Knee Extension & 85% during 90 degree knee flexion.

Syndesmosis sprain have minimal swelling compared to common ankle sprains.They take longer to heal.There’s pain with passive dorsiflexion & external rotation.Tenderness over anterolateral tibiofibular joint is present.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome:Shoe with medial longitudinal posting on forefoot & hindfoot would help.

Flexor Hallucis tendinopathy: Pain behind medial malleolus,Dorsiflexion of toe <

Unit 4-Spine

SLR test(Lasegue’s test): 0-30* -Hip jt pathology



70-90*-SI jt

NOTE:All the info given above is from good sources,but I would recommend verifying it.As new studies come up with different treatment approaches everyday, the info above may also lose some relevance.So use your discretion everyone!!


Ankylosing Spondylitis

WebMD Arthritis page


EMedicine-ACjt injury

Tennis Elbow

High Ankle Sprain (Syndesmotic Sprain)

Orthopedic Physical Assessment by David J Magee

I found some interesting proverbs:

The more I want to get something done,the less I call it work-Richard Bach

A man is not finished when he is defeated.He is finished when he quits-Richard Nixon

See you all soon!

Please let me know if you found this post and my previous post helpful.Your feedback will help in making this blog more useful to all

These might be useful for you….


I had collected some additional info on a variety of topics in each chapter.This is from various websites online and books too.I’ll try to name as many in the “References” section.

So In no particular order, I will give you some info for each Chapter in every post (You could note these by the side of your RG or Giles/write in a POST-IT notes and affix them)

Raynaud’s phenomenon:Fingers turn white,blue and then red.Due to abnormal vasomotor response of blood vessels to cold or emotional stress.Hyperactive sympathetic system leads to tissue hypoxia.Two types:

1)Idiopathic Raynaud’s or Raynaud’s Disease

2)Secondary Raynaud’s-seen in Scleroderma,SLE,RA,Sjogren’s syndrome,Atherosclerosis,Buerger’s Disease etc

Cyanosis:Bluish Discoloration of Skin & Mucous Membranes.Indicated by the presence of atleast 5g/dL of  reduced(deoxygenated) Hb in arterial blood.Two types namely,

a)Central:Warm Extremities,Full Bounding Pulse,Seen in Mucous Membrane & Skin(seen in Tongue & Lips).Develops when arterial O2 saturation falls or is <85%

eg:Cerebral Anoxia,Pulmonary Embolism,Myocardial Infarction,COPD,High Altitude & Hypothermia etc..

b)Peripheral Cyanosis:Thready Pulse,Cold Extremities.Develops due to slowing of blood flow.Mucous membrane of oral cavity may be spared usually.There is discoloration of the extremity most intense in nailbeds but may resolve with warming of the extremity.

eg:Raynaud’s phenomenon,DVT, Circulatory Shock,Thrombophlebitis,Heart Failure,Cold exposure etc..

Hematocrit:It is the percentage of RBC compared to the total blood volume.Any > or < in plasma volume affects it.It can be used to screen Anemia,Cancers,Blood loss,Kidney disease and B12 deficiency etc..A patient after severe burns loses large amount of plasma from damaged capillaries.As a result the hematocrit values are raised.With fluid replacement they would come down.

Note:Hematocrit values over 60% may cause spontaneous blood clotting.


Order of donning Personal Protective Equipment(PPE):


2)Mask or Respirator

3)Goggles or Face shield


Order of Removing PPE:Except for respirator remove PPE at doorway.Remove respirator after leaving patient’s room and closing door


2)Goggles or Face shield


4)Mask or Respirator

Pressure Garments work by:

a)Thinning the dermis

b)Altering the biochemical structure of scar

c)Reducing the blood flow to the area

d)Reorganizing the collagen

e)Reducing the tissue water content

They are indicated if wound healing takes >2weeks.


1)– is your online source for credible health information and is the official Web site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


3)PHYSICAL REHABILITATION by Sullivan and Schmitz(Fourth/Fifth Edition)

Notes from here,there everywhere :D

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend.There were dark clouds everywhere but no rain :((If anyone has seen “Lagaan” then bring to mind “Ghanan Ghanan” song !!!).I hope all of you elsewhere are having a good SUMMER!

I wanted to upload some documents found online, hand-written notes I prepared and those documents that I got from helpful souls in the physicaltherapyforum.

I found this link for SOAP notes helpful: Note you may have to register for a basic account in order to download the document.But if you just want to read directly from the website, you do not need to do that)

The below link gives you info on the levels of SCI and what to expect at each level:

TMJ DYSFUNCTIONS– some helpful soul from physical therapy forum e-mailed this to me.I thank him/her for making life easy :).Just click on this link and save the file.

Descriptive Research-1Just click on this link and save the file.

Given below are my hand-written notes.Just right click on each image.You’ll find the option “save link as” .Click on it and it will ask you for location to save the image.You save all the images in a similar manner (in a folder) in your computer.

Given below are References for hand-written notes and Descriptive Research document compiled by me:

Hope you all find all that I posted helpful.

Education & Consultation-The Power of Small

Now that we are almost done reviewing the chapters for the exam,

If any of you ask me,”Which chapters do we need to focus the most?”

I would answer “ALL OF THEM”!!! You heard me right 😀

Each chapter is important in a unique way(I hear some of you gritting your teeth ready to punch me!!!).

I always recommend studying 1 Small Chapter with a section of Large Chapter in all my posts.But your focus on both large & small chapters need to be the same.Let me explain why:

“EDUCATION & CONSULTATION ” explains the various learning theories,3 types of educational objectives(cognitive,affective & psychomotor),Instructional process, Interventions and Motor Learning.Whenever you establish a “PLAN OF CARE” and  “TREAT”  patients, you need to consider everything given in this chapter.It outlines everything you need to know before planning rehab for patients, be it Musculo,Cardio or Neuro Rehabilitation.

In clinical practice, we often treat patients using the principles of all the above areas and not just one of them.

In the same manner, the actual exam also requires you to understand all chapters well.It frames questions you need to answer using your knowledge from all of them ( mostly 2-3 chapters all at once).

I used Review Guide as the primary source and did not do much reference online for this chapter.You can also refer Giles for more info on this chapter.

With this, I guess I’ve covered all the chapters in the Review Guide(Remember Research,the last chapter had already been discussed in early posts).

I will upload notes I’ve prepared on some topics as soon as I can.Hope you’ll find them useful.Also let me know if you have any doubts/concerns.I’ll do my best to answer them.

Take care.I would leave you with this Quote,

“What is COURAGE?

Hearing more than others think is wise;

Risking more than others think is safe;

Dreaming more than others think is practical;

Expecting more than others think possible-Admiral Arleigh Burke”

Professional Roles & Management,Health Insurance…..

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all are studying well.Try not to think about how you’ve spent the time so far.Just focus on what needs to be done now.

I used the following books for this chapter:

1.Review Guide & Blue Book as primary sources.I read these books thoroughly.If you do not understand the various types of health care systems like HMO,PPO then you could refer online for additional info.You could visit

Remember there may be questions on a type of insurance not covered by practice tests in the NPTE.So I would recommend you to know as many types as you can by searching online.

2.If you need more clarity on how Medicare & Medicaid work,you could visit websites run by CMS(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services).Just type “cms” in Google.It’ll take you to relevant websites.

3.In addition to studying the Code of Ethics for PT & PTA from Review Guide, you can go to APTA’s website.In the “Practice & Patient Care” tab you would find the Core Ethics Documents. These documents contain the most current version of Guide for Professional Conduct of PT & PTA(APTA updates these documents regularly.Even if your guide doesn’t have the current version of these documents, APTA would have it).

I’ll wrap up this post with this thought:

“Progress is not made by the cynics or doubters.It is made by those who believe everything is possible”-Carly Fiorina,former CEO,HP

Let’s take up “Education & Consultation” in the next post.Until then take care….

Gait,Orthotics,Prosthetics & Wheelchairs-There’s more to ambulation…..

Hope you all had a good weekend.We are getting roasted in the unswerving heat of West Coast Desert Summer!!!! It seems like we are going to have a lon…………………….g summer 😦

Exams don’t wait for weather to become pleasant anywhere on earth; Do they ever :|?

Let’s see what we need to cover in this chapter.I referred the following:

1.Review Guide and Blue book as primary sources.Blue book has Gait Cycle,Orthotic & Prosthetic Gait Deviations in Tabular formats making it easy to read.I would strongly suggest reading both the sources well.Try to imagine and understand each gait deviation thoroughly, instead of memorizing everything.Look for related pictures online to help you in imagining each deviation.Learn what muscles are affected and which functional activity would be difficult.

In addition to Gait, Orthotics & Prosthetics,Wheelchairs and Environmental Assessment have been explained well in Review Guide

2.PHYSICAL REHABILITATION by Sullivan and Schmitz(Fourth/Fifth Edition)- I read Gait Analysis, Orthotic Assessment & Management,Prosthetic Assessment & Management from this.The book has related pictures and nice description of various types of  orthotics & prosthetics.The chapter on Lower Extremity Amputation is also useful in this book.

3.”Joint Structure and Function” by Cynthia Norkin-This book explains the biomechanics of the various joints of lower limb.Reading it will help understand the gait deviations and their effect on neighboring  joints better.

4.Search online for pictures on Ambulatory Aids(Canes,Crutches) and Adhesive Taping.

I would recommend dividing the chapter into 3-4 sections and reading them in a distributed manner thereby making sure you don’t cram too much info at a time.For example you could club Orthotics with Environmental Assessment,Gait with Assistive Devices,Prosthetics with Wheelchairs and so on.

I’ll leave you with these thoughts which I too need to remember from time to time:

“You cannot teach a man anything;You can only help him find it within himself”-Galileo Galilee

“It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final“-Roger Babson



Therapeutic Exercise & Physical Agents

Hi Everyone,

Hope you had a nice weekend.I had a nice but busy weekend.Human Nature is strange!!!We complain when there’s too much activity; we also complain when we have nothing much to do :D.

Let’s now see what we have to cover in Therapeutic Exercise & Physical Agents.For “Therapeutic Exercise”,I used the following books:

1.”Therapeutic Exercise:Foundations and Techniques” by Carolyn Kisner & Lynn Allen Colby as primary source 1-As I mentioned in Musculoskeletal System post already,this is a very useful book.You can first read the topics covered by RG here and go back to RG for overview.If you do not have much time before exams,then read RG and use this for additional info on each topic.The good thing about the book it has lots of pictures,examples,indications and precautions in colored boxes making it easy to understand.

2.Review Guide & Blue Book as primary source 2.I would suggest reading these thoroughly.Learn to associate each topic in the chapter with major systems.For example Postural Stability Training  would come in handy while planning rehab programs for Neuro conditions such as Cerebellar disorders,Parkinson’s etc.,

For  “Physical Agents & Modalities”,I suggest the following:

1.Review Guide would be the main source.Try to understand the physiological effects of each modality.List the Indications & Contraindications and Precautions for each in a Table.With so many modalities,it might be difficult to remember everything.Try to find what’s common to the various modalities.For example both Ultrasound and Electrical Stimulation can’t be used in patients with pacemakers and healing fractures etc.,

2.You could search online for additional info.I didn’t read anything more than RG for this chapter.So I would leave it to your discretion.

I wish I could write more on these chapters and suggest more books!!!But that’s all the info I have 🙂

Take care.Study Well…I’ll leave with the following thought:

“Success means having the courage,the determination and

The will to become the person you believe you were meant to be”-George Sheehan